Elective Ultrasound Screenings

Elective Vascular and Pregnancy Ultrasound Screenings in Tomball and Navasota, TX

Early Pregnancy Ultrasounds in Navasota and Tomball

Early Pregnancy Screening $95

This is quick glance from your tummy and transvaginally (if needed) to determine an intrauterine pregnancy.

You will need to have a positive at home pregnancy test.

(includes measurements for dates to calculate the possible due date)

Schedule your Early Pregnancy Screening in Tomball or Navasota below:

Aortic Aneurysm Ultrasounds in Navasota and Tomball

Aortic Aneurysm Screening $80

Aortic Aneurysm aka "AAA" screening is a quick and easy way to evaluate your Aorta ( the main artery from the heart) Takes about 10 minutes (no undressing) and could possibly save your life. If a AAA is present the Aorta can expand largely to a point where the Aortic walls can no longer withstand the pressure (like a balloon) and thus leak or rupture altogether and severe internal bleeding occurs. There are usually no prior symptoms to warn you. The highest risk category is men who currently smoke or have ever previously smoked and are in the age range of 65-75 years old. Although anyone male or female over the age of 40 can be screened, especially if there are underlying risk factors such as known cardiovascular disease.

A Physicians order is not necessary.
Schedule your Aortic Aneurysm Screening in Tomball or Navasota below:

Stroke Screening Ultrasounds in Navasota and Tomball

Stroke Screening $80

This exam examines the Carotid arteries that run along side of your neck into the brain. If there is any extensive plaque buildup along the sides it can impede the oxygen rich blood flow int the brain. Carotid artery disease (CAD) is not gender specific and is the leading cause of stroke.

If detected early enough a stroke can be avoided. This exam is quick and easy and you get to stay dressed. The takes about 10 minutes and can be done on anyone over the age of 40 with known Cardiovascular disease or anyone over the age of 50.

Schedule your Stroke Screening in Tomball or Navasota below:

Stroke Screening Ultrasound Combo in Tomball and Navasota

KNOW BEFORE YOU GO TRAVEL COMBO Aortic Aneurysm and Stroke Screening $140

Going on a long awaited much needed vacation?? Possibly Out of the Country??

KNOW BEFORE YOU GO your risk of Stroke and Aortic Aneurysm before you get there. Its quick and easy and you get to stay dressed.

**And of course you may still have these screenings done together even if your not traveling anywhere. Its the best most valuable "together" offer we have.

Schedule your Aortic Aneurysm and Stroke Screening in Tomball or Navasota below:

Peripheral Arterial Disease Screening in Tomball and Navasota

Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) Screening with ABI $80

This quick screening of the legs is done to determine if there is any arterial plaque buildup that can cause leg / calf pain (especially after short stents of exercise or simply walking a short distance and feels better after resting or sitting for a few minutes). Just like any artery in the body, these leg arteries can start to build up plaque within and cause oxygen rich blood to flow to decrease throughout the lower extremities and feet. This can be a silent / slow progression and usually is not caught until surgical intervention is needed.

This screening can be done on anyone over the age of 40 or anyone who has Diabetes or a history of smoking. The exam takes about 15-20 min.

Schedule your Peripheral Arterial Disease Screening in Tomball or Navasota below: